Whenever I want to write a blog, I usually want to give an update, which for me usually means telling you about the homework that lays ahead.
What is with that, why is homework, school, what I tell you about.
Why not my friendships, or my church, or Chapel, and what I am learning and/or what God is teaching me.
Like check this one out: This week we had Becky Fisher,(pictured above) the director of the camp of Jesus Camp, the movie, as a Chapel speaker this week, it got us all talking, so we had to see Jesus Camp to see what it was all about.
She seemed fairly reasonable in Chapel, maybe a little too focused on Speaking in Tongues, and the gifts of the Spirit in general, but at least she was preaching that we should reach out to kids, something I really truly believe.
Anyways, that was Thursday at Chapel...Friday night we watched "Jesus Camp," knowing full well that it was coming from a "secular" political standpoint, what I found was;
-They were building an Army to "take back America for God"
-They focused on Speaking in Tongues
-Everything this film showed was about "you, (as in the Children) doing this and you need to do that" I kept commenting, "what about Jesus changing us"
-the children were really "seeking the Lord"
-I'm not sure if they understood what they were doing, but it is possible
-Becky and many of the staff love love love President Bush
-Ted Hagart (however you spell that) is frightening to look at, He just has weird facial expressions
-the kids that the movie followed knew their stuff and seemed to really know God for themselves, but I can't accurately judge, seeing as I am not God.
Despite the view the movie took, I hope that not every service is so political.
I do know that God can work despite us.