Taxes and Tears

If you know me you know that I don't cry when I want to and am slightly embarrassed about it. Generally speaking I get angry. For example we had to read 5 different books for an Adolescent Literature class that I am in. I only cried a few non-dropping tears at the end of Hitler Youth-sick right? I wanted to cry I was sad and frustrated, but I didn't. When my family moved almost two years ago it took me nearly three months before I finally had a small sobbing session about it. I wanted to from the day we closed, but I just couldn't. It sucked, and when I finally had the little session it was over in a few minutes and I felt soooo much better.
Anyways-what does make me actually uncontrollable sob are things like taxes and loans. My Freshman year the only time I cried to my mom was when my loan stuff wasn't working out. Last year when the H&R Block guy told me that it was going to cost over $250 to have him prepare my taxes I almost cried, but fortunately I kept my composure. Well, this year I did cry. I finally lost it after two hours on turbotax I cried. somehow I couldn't get the dates of when I was in CA last year right and then it wouldn't let me choose the correct option for some other part of some other form, so I finally chose the semi-correct one. I can't pretend I even really understood what they were asking me. Well, anyways it finally went through and I was relieved. So, what happened?
Today, I open my e-mail, and oh, my federal return was rejected-why? My birthday does not match the record they have on file. So, I check to see if I wrote 2008 instead of 1987-I've done that a few times before, no it is the right date-great. Well, for whatever reason-this makes me feel so helpless and upset-the SSA(Social Security Administration) doesn't answer calls on Sunday, the help section is unhelpful and our phone system isn't working in this building, so I can't call the only person you want to talk to in this situation-your mother. Already I couldn't talk to her last night because she was selfishly working. Anyhow. I get a cellphone from my friend since her minutes are free and mine cost 15 cents each, but her connection doesn't work. So, while I try to reach mom again and again she heads out to a memorial service to be supportive of her husband who is being supportive of his co-worker. Hello, I need support-you need to be on the same telepathic wavelength right now, mom! Anyways, I finally get a hold of my brother on my expensive cell phone-as in the minutes are costly- and poor guy I loose it on him. This will tell you how often I cry as I am explaining my tax woes I really lose it and I apologize for doing so and he says I thought you were joking- I wish I was.
poor guy indeed.
no i'm kidding.
taxes suck out loud.
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