I'm in CA, mostly chilling with my parents, niece, cousin, her daughter, and sister.
Well, I thought I should let you all know this blog has been requested by Amber.

Anyways, I've been making a dress for my mom for my brother's wedding. It had a very rough beginning. After most of the pieces were cut out my mother called my aunt to see if we could borrow her sewing machine. The next day we pick it up. I go to use it that day and before I even turned it on I broke it, that's right, my middle name is accident prone. So I'm super embarrassed but decide to ask my parents if they can fix it. NOPE! Great, that means one thing, we have to tell Auntie M. In the mean time I got out my Grandma's "feather-light" sewing machine. So far so good. I always for get how much I like old machines until I start using one. I love how accessible all their parts are and how long they last. Well, my aunt came and got her machine and took it to be serviced, she does not seem all that upset, which is a relief and the dress is going fairly well. Oh, by the way the "Singer" that I am using has been to Peru and back again twice, and is 66 years old. I feel privileged to us it!