Hello all of you who read my blog. (hee hee)
It is Friday night. I should be doing homework, but instead I watched Disney's Mulan. I was creative and turned top ramen into chicken noodle soup. I feel like Ramen is the same as a stone from the story of stone soup. I put in canned chicken breast-which was surprisingly good and frozen veggies. Overall, it was quite tasty.
I have been doing my first clinical experience these past two weeks. There are 33 kids in my class, and it is a good thing that most of them are pretty well behaved or there would be mass chaos all the time. Still, they are not getting the education and attention that they need in order to be successful. It really ticks me off that class sizes are so huge when research has proven over and over again that the maximum size of a class should be 20 students. what is happening from my understanding is that too many schools in the district are shutting down and displaced students are simply being distributed. But, check this out the schools closed because of dropping enrollment. Apparently they closed two many schools.-six just this past summer. Otherwise there would not be such outrageous class sizes.
So, this whole senario has gotten me thinking when No Child Left Behind (NCLB) is completely grandfathered in are some of the same situations going to happen. If a school does not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)for two years in a row the school can either be closed or all the teachers can be replaced. Hmmm, let me guess which one of those is likely to happen? closing will be so much simpler. So then the students within that district are going to "flood" the other schools. funny thing about that is the research aspect. One of the stipulations of NCLB is that money is supposed to be given to research-based or proven programs. so chances are money is going to be given to the flooded schools even though research has repeatedly shown that this doesn't work. yes this is all speculation, but it is just one more reason among so very many why NCLB is the single stupidest thing that the Bush administration could have gone through with. Even when compared with declaring war, because the injustice that NCLB will bring is ridiculous it is literally a plan to make sure the social gap gets bigger.- But that explanation is for another blog.

One other little tid bit- the Minneapolis school board holds public meetings about the use of the closed schools property- sick isn't it.