I just nabbed an old school orange composite chair from the hallway! (Don't worry it had a FREE! sign on it). It looks like the one featured in the foreground in the picture featured below. Only mine is adult size and has a "basket" for books and such. Yeah... pretty exciting! It is my first piece of furniture for the new apartment I will be living in come fall 2007. The only other piece of furniture that I picked out prior to this one is the sweet chair Petey got for me from Bethesda. I'm sad I was unable to keep that whirly thing. It was an incredible vinyl office twirly chair. I'll miss you buddy but that's what happens when a family moves.

Well, for the update: I am basically packed and I still have to live here three days. and I still need to take three finals. I'm so packed that I am using washed peanut butter and salsa jars as my only dishes. The only things I am unable to pack are the T-shirts for the next few days and my bedding, which I will have to wash before I head out.
Peace out
how are you materailistic? i guess I'm confused. But I love you and I really can't wait to SEE YOU!
moving's fun.
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