Two topics only one blog

I simply want to say: America, hang up the phone and talk! Get off-line and communicate with your housemates! Dare to make eye-contact, and scarier yet, smile AND if you can handle it, say hello.
Next topic: I feel I do not need a man in my life at this time. In fact I have never really felt I must be married some day. And I do not feel nor have I ever felt I need a man to affirm me in who I am. Sure, I want them to notice me and be impressed. That's about it. These ideas sprout out of the Relationship Seminar we are having on campus right now. The speaker today, spoke of her need to be loved by a male, prior to her relationship with Christ. I feel like I have always had a father and three brothers who, although they may not say it, love me. They even defend and protect me when they need to. Is this healthy? I think so. I know that their love and the love of any maybe husband of the future would be quite different, but I think, because of my brother's and of course God's love I honestly can say that right this moment I don't need to have a man infatuated with me (nor a woman for that matter).
Sister's Stand Strong!
yo, your gonna freak mom out w/ parentheses like that.
funny comment, james. That was my thought exactly. Mom plus others.
What! I was just saying that I'm not even interested in women.
ha, ha, ha...
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